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Great Scot Solutions

What A Good Idea!


To provide our clients with Practical, Relevant & Dynamic Business Solutions to develop and expand their businesses. Please go to the Company Profile for more information

Please use the links at the bottom of each page to look and move around the site or use the photo links or logo link to return here to the home page

Probably the best promotional gift you can buy! Your customers will give a personal commercial for your company and message to most of the people they come across. It's so unique that they want to show everybody it.  Follow this link for more details


One of our specialist services is to help inventors get there ideas and product to the market place. so often we have heard the stories of inventors struggling to get there products onto the market. 

We only hear about the ones that succeed and often we hear how long it took! At Great Scot Solutions we are committed to helping inventors get their products into the market place.

We are able to offer help and advice across the board from patenting issues to marketing strategy through to packing design along with warehousing and all the back office facilities needed to sell the successful product.

Our aim is simple:- it's to make our clients rich!

We have included a page to share business ideas, follow this link useful ideas and if you have any ideas you would like to share then please use the link there to let us know about them
& we will try to put them up!


If you have any comments or encounter any problems please send mail to with your questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 Great Scot Solutions